Properly Alone

R: Why do you think it’s going to be so different in America?

G: Because it will be

R: Have you ever been properly alone ?

G: Of course I have

R: I mean properly alone. Sat in a hotel room in Portland, all by yourself, no friends, alone.

G: yes

R: I don’t believe you, I don’t believe you. In a week, you’re going to go completely mental. Of course you are. Because you have no friends, and you’re going to compromise because that is what people do, they comprise, because nobody, fucking, fucking nobody, nobody can deal with being by themselves.


Now read this


I’ve been having this recurring nightmare after I settled into my adulthood. In the dream, there’s always an airport involved. Sometimes I wasn’t able to make it to the gate for the flight. Sometimes I lost my luggage. Sometimes I got... Continue →