“Fragile As F**k”
- How fragile is your masculinity?
What do you mean? I don’t even know how masculinity is defined by the society nowadays.
- I think people who have internal homophobia or are sexist most probably have rather fragile masculinity. They would not allow any action, speech, any expression to hurt or even get in the way of them showing or maintaining their masculinity.
Hmm, interesting question. Then I don’t think I have fragile masculinity.
- It could also be a situation like when a male lawyer feels jealous, insecure or even hurt when a female colleague posts an aggressive working style and tries to step up. Well, this is just an example.
Yeah, I could think and understand this case. But it could happen in both directions.
- Yeah, absolutely right, masculinity doesn’t limit itself to just men. It seems more like being in control, a dominant position in which that masculine traits and behaviors would be characterized more in some way.